Zulal Mobile Application

Zulal Wellness Resort is thrilled to introduce the launch of our highly anticipated Zulal Wellness Application!

This innovative mobile app is designed to enhance your wellness journey and provide you with a seamless and personalized experience. With the Zulal Wellness Application, you can conveniently access and relive your previous stays, exploring the array of treatments and activities you have enjoyed.

Stay connected with your dedicated wellness advisor and receive expert recommendations at your fingertips. Immerse yourself in our extensive video library, empowering yourself with exercise, meditation, and physiotherapy resources.

Elevate your wellness experience with the Zulal Wellness Application today!

Health and Fitness Privacy

At Zulal Wellness Resort, your privacy and data security are of utmost importance to us. We want to assure you that our mobile application respects your privacy regarding fitness data.

• Your Fitness Data Stays on Your Device: The Zulal Wellness Resort Mobile Application strictly reads fitness data from your device and does not save or upload any fitness data to our servers.

• No Sharing with Third Parties: We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your fitness data. Rest assured that we do not share your fitness data with any third parties.

• Complete Control in Your Hands: You have full control over your fitness data. It remains securely stored on your device and is not accessed or used by Zulal Wellness Resort for any purpose other than displaying the your daily fitness summary when you are on the relevant screens within the app.