We welcome a number of visiting consultants who bring a fresh perspective and new capabilities to guide and inspire us.

Vishal Sukhatankar: Soulful Harmony – Healing Through Touch & Sound

Dates of visiting: 1 – 28 July 2024

To end of our Yoga month, we would like to invite you to experience the healing therapies of Vishal Sukhatanakar, with over 17 years of experience in alternative healing and certified in multiple disciplines including bach flower therapy, sound healing and yoga, Vishal inspires a profound sense of healing through his unique fusion of techniques. His workshops are meticulously designed to address the intricate connections between mind, body, and emotions, while personalised sessions are tailored to specific personal needs. From emotional and intuitive touch healing, merging sound and water, to Aqua Resonance, his sessions provide a transformative experience within serene settings.

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Dates of visiting: 27 July – 23 August 2024

Drawing from her expertise as a soul coach, astro-healer, yoga teacher, meditation and breathwork practitioner, Hilda Rosa guides individuals through profound experiences aimed at transcending limiting beliefs, healing relationships and connecting with their inner voice and purpose.

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Dr. Aradhana Ghyas: Naturopath, yoga master, and ayurvedic healer

(1 September to 30 September 2024)

Trained by India’s most prestigious yoga school Bihar School of Yoga and with a wellness career spanning over a decade, Dr. Aradhana Gyas has dedicated her life to alternative medicine and specialises with clients at advanced ages. With her expertise as a naturopath, she will also share body detoxification and cleansing techniques with resort guests during her residency.

Tricia Tee: Seifu therapist

(3 November to 24 November 2024)

A Seifu therapist for over 10 years, Tricia has helped people with various conditions and ages live with comfort and relief from the chronic pain they have been suffering. Many clients, especially those with cancer, find her therapy extremely valuable due to the natural relief it provides from chemotherapy. Seifu therapy is non-invasive with no medication and needles.

Patience Bekezela: Sound healing and aromatherapy

(1 December to 23 December 2024)

Patience is an accomplished wellness therapist with a diploma and certificate in beauty therapy. She has contributed to many award-winning hotel spas and resorts across the Middle East and Africa. She has developed treatments that have the influence of African heritage, movements and sounds to reconnect individuals to their roots.