Beat the Heat: 7 ways to stay cool at Zulal Wellness Resort

With temperatures set to soar this summer, we’ve compiled a host of ways to cool down at Zulal Wellness Resort by Chiva-Som. Read on to discover the best ways to retreat from the heat in northern Qatar.

Breezy does it: The coastal location on the northern tip of Qatar means Zulal Wellness Resort generally enjoys temperatures of between five to 10 degrees cooler than the city of Doha and other areas of the country, making it the ideal spot to retreat to when the weather heats up. An early morning or evening stroll around the expansive grounds that cover 280,000 sqm, with a fresh breeze coming in from the coast, is a wonderful escape from the sizzling city.

Snow-brainer: If you really need to cool down – fast – head straight for the Arctic Cave in the wellness centre at Zulal Serenity. A few minutes spent in real, crisp snow and temperatures of -5 to -10 degrees Celsius will boost your circulation leaving your feel more alive than ever. Sometimes, a slight shock to the system is just what the doctor ordered.

Make a splash: A less extreme option is taking the plunge in the saltwater lagoon at Zulal Discovery or a dip in one of the plunge pools in the adults-only Zulal Serenity – all temperature controlled at a pleasant 28 degrees. Even just dipping your feet in the water while sipping a cold drink will do the trick.

Cook up a storm: The saying ‘if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen’ doesn’t apply to Zulal Wellness Resort’s air-conditioned food facilities. In fact, a cooking class is a fun and relaxing indoor activity to take your mind off the outside world. Why not engage all your senses learning a new recipe – such as the popular and flavoursome detox curry – which you can then prepare for family and friends at home.

Words to the wise: If summer in the city feels like being stuck in a pressure cooker and you long for a bit of peace and quiet as well as a cooling shade, the library in House of Wisdom is a true haven. Here you’ll find 1,500 books donated by Qatar Library, on every subject under the sun.

Stretch it out: Another great place to retreat from the heat is Zulal Wellness Resort’s state-of-the-art gymnasiums and functional fitness studio. Zulal Wellness Resort is the only facility in the Middle East to offer the Gyrotonic Method by qualified Gyrotonic trainers. When it’s too hot for a sweaty workout, gyrotonic therapy is ideal as it’s designed to enhance spinal mobility, muscle tone and total body balance with a series of comfortable stretches. Guided sessions are curated just for you.

Find your Zen: Sometimes you just need to unwind in your own little cocoon of stillness. What better way to cool down than with a pampering treatment in the spa? Try the Signature Seaweed Detox Body Scrub, a refreshing exfoliation therapy with locally sourced herbs; a spot of soothing balneotherapy; or a nourishing body wrap to hydrate dry and sun-damaged skin with a heavenly blend of essential oils.