Music Meditation

It is now common knowledge that regular meditation has many benefits for the mind, body and soul. Meditation can sometimes be a bit daunting for people who are new to the practice. I often hear people say that they find it difficult because when they try they find their minds to be so loud it puts them off trying again.  I find that inviting people to try mediation it can be extremely helpful to use a technique that ‘gives’ the ‘noisy’ parts of their brains something to do whilst their breathing and body can relax.

Guided visual meditations are perfect for this however some people still feel like they are not good at it or not sure what they are supposed to be doing. If one of the main purposes of mediation is to quite your mind and body for a small period of time regularly then music mediation might be perfect for you.

It’s one of the most accessible and easy meditation practices out there which most people find easy and surprisingly beneficial.

How to Meditate with Music

Choose a piece of music

One that you find beautiful and relaxing. Look for music that has a slower tempo, and preferably without lyrics, which can be distracting and can engage your conscious mind—the part of your mind that we hope to slow down.

Get into a comfortable position and relax.

Once you’ve found your position, close your eyes, relax your muscles, and breathe through your diaphragm. Let your shoulders, your belly, and even the muscles in your face relax. Breathe in deeply through your nose, gently expanding your belly rather than your chest, then exhale through your mouth.

Stay focused on the music.

If you find yourself thinking about other things (or even thinking thoughts about the music), gently redirect your attention to the present moment, the sound of the music, and the feelings in your body that the music evokes. Try to really feel the music.

Continue this practice for several minutes, until the piece finishes. As thoughts come into your head, gently let them go and redirect your attention to the sound of the music, the present moment, and the physical sensations you feel. The goal of this practice is to quiet your inner voice and just ‘be’. So just ‘be’ with the music, and fully immerse yourself, and you’ll feel more relaxed fairly quickly.


If you find yourself ‘thinking too much’, don’t beat yourself up over it; this is natural for those beginning meditation practice. Instead, congratulate yourself on noticing the internal dialogue, and redirecting your attention to the present moment.